Riptide by Vance Joy:
Research and summarise the indie genre : conventions, influences, audience and key artists.
What is the definition of " indie " and does the artist, video fit into this category ?
Indie is a pop group, record label, or film company not belonging or affiliated to a major record or film company.
This video fits into an indie category due to its free use of examples of how women are treated in society by men and are exploited.
Linear , clear and resolved narrative , or fragmented montage based on the lyrics of the song ?
Analyse scenes for symbolic objects and the meaning they contain .
The scene where the lady was tied to the tree with multiple layers of rope struggling to detangle it could represent how women are stopped from living independently or freely.
The scene where the woman was lip syncing along to the lyrics in the song with slow in time movements could also suggest she or women as a collective have no power and should do what their asked. Also in the lyrics it says "I love you when you're singing that song" impyling women get love when their under control.
How is gender represented in the video ? Look at stereotypes, repetitive motifs and how women and men are framed narratively and through iconography.
Gender in this video is represented as an inequality due to women being puppets in this video.
The repetetive line "i love you when you're singing that song" highlights the typical male demanour of loving something women do for their own pleasure.
The different moments where women are being subject to control and tourture also eludicate how gender is being represented as unequal and a way of men gaining control over more factors in society.
Which of the following postmodernist techniques are used in the video ?
Consider these in particular :
Intertextuality ( including pastiche and parody of other media texts e.g films by cool alternative directors such as Wes Anderson and David Lynch)
Ironic non -judgemental tone ( particularly when referencing dark subject matter )
Reflexivity ( the text showing awareness of its artificial constructed nature )
How does this change how the audience responds to the messages, representations and other elements of the video ? Does it change the meaning ?
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