Paper 2A Television: Life on Mars text analysis
Summarise the key points about S1 ep 1 of Life on Mars in the following areas Genre (Life on Mars is a hybrid genre text) Use of conventions in crime and scifi genre ( characters, settings, narrative , iconography etc.) and how they are followed or subverted . Link to Neale's genre theory and how the text is a combination of familiar and different genre elements . Narrative Barthes enigma codes : what enigmas ( mysteries ) remain unsolved by the end of the episode ? Are any solved ? The enigmas unresolved were the Is the episode a restricted or unrestricted narrative ? It is an urestricted narrative as the audience/ viewer know more more than the character (but seldom everything), which helps build suspense. Representations How are gender, ethnicity, the police and wider society represented in both the 1970s and modern day narratives of the episode ? Gender in the 1970s was segregated and unequal for women. In this episode women were represented as the help th...